Monday, November 6, 2017

Session 57

Heroes: Ayrin, Azrael, Haurchefant, Kunik
The Heroes defeat the Shoggoth, and Haurchefant acquires the Star Glyph. Having completed the trials of the Master of Realmspace, he feels an hidden power still untapped coming from his three glyphs.
The Conundrum then sails to the portal that will bring its crew to Gadreel's sphere. The portal is guarded by a fleet of Celestian ships. Against all odds, the Conundrum defeats the opposition, as old friends arrive to lend some help. The Curse of Strahd hails the Conundrum, and Capt Anomander and his crew (among them Vola the half-orc barbarian and Gondriel the elven ranger) share some news with the Heroes.
There has been activity around the Pyre (Realmspace's sun) and the Celestian Trade Guild's fleet is stopping any ship travelling too close to the sun. Its numbers and military power is such that even the Elven Armada cannot go through their embargo. When the Heroes explain that Gadreel is planning to "steal the sun", the Curse of Strahd's crew offer their help in the battle to come.
Both ships cross through the portal, and after 16 days of travel into the Flow they reach the Virtous Sphere . Upon their arrival, they find a realm-sized city of marble and gold, encompassing the void around the portal both above and below. Though some activity can be spotted, the city looks in disrepair. Yreldune informs the Heroes that they've reached Void City Diligence, the seat of power of the Solar Gadreel.

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