Monday, October 23, 2017

Session 56

Heroes: Ayrin, Azrael, Haurchefant, Kunik
The Heroes reach the Vault where the most valuable items are stored. They defeat the undead guardians watching over the Vault, and they take a few items of power. They also find the Celestial Rod and the required charts needed to reach the portal that will bring them to Gadreel's sphere.
The Conundrum travels to the edge of Realmspace, but before they can reach the portal, Haurchefant fells a "pull" toward the colossal canyons raising from the surface of the sphere. The Heroes maneuver their ship among the monolithic glyphs, and find the entrance to an abandoned temple of sorts.
There Haurchefant is tested on his knowledge of the Masters of Realmspace by an ancient spirit, but he's found wanting. Yet, he still has a chance to prove his worth: from a magical pool a monstrous creature from beyond the stars begins to emerge, all eyes and maws and tentacles.
The Shoggoth roars in hunger, as the Heroes get ready to do battle.

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