Monday, November 28, 2016

Session 11

Heroes: Vola, Sevir, Ayrin, Gondriel

The Heroes spends the next few days exploring the Rock, and trying to make connections. They manage to attract he attention of the Pragmatic Order of Thought, and receive an interesting offer. The Order will lend them the gold necessary to repair and refit their ship, and the Heroes will have to extinguish their debt by collecting bounties. Many pirates hunt the wildspace around the Rock, and the Order has the blessing of Prince Andru to give away letters of marque to those brave enough to accept them.

In desperate need of funds, the Heroes accept the deal. A few weeks later, when the repairs are completed, they leave the Rock of Bral to hunt some pirates. After a few day escorting traders in and out of the Rock, they have a chance encounter with a friendly hammership, warning them of neogi slavers in the system.  

But it's just a ruse. wehn the Heroes' guard is down, the hammership pellets them with artillery fire! After a short skirmish, the pirate ship Barracuda hails the Heroes, giving them the chance to surrender. Aware of the superiority of the enemy ship, the Heroes allow the pirates to board them, planning to make their last stand on the deck of the Skyrunner.

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