Monday, August 21, 2017

Session 49

Heroes: Ayrin, Azrael, Haurchefant, Kunik

The Heroes force their way inside the prison, triggering the alarms in place at the gates, and alerting the compound. They fight their way through the golems and begin to investigate the prison. It seems that their arrival has given the chance to some inmates to riot, as they find signs of conflict in many of the areas they enter.

They fight through more illithids, and even a cryohydra guarding the lower levels of the prison. on their way they meet a few inmates that made it this far in their escape, and strike a deal of sorts to help each other. Eventually they reach the gates of the dungeon level. In front of the gates, two fearsome undead creatures stand still, ready to point their deadly gaze on any intruder.

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