Monday, August 7, 2017

Session 47

Heroes: Ayrin, Azrael, Haurchefant, Kunik

The answers of the soul pillars are shrouded in riddles, but the Heroes learn that Gadreel is not currently in Realmspace. Hoping to find more information about the fallen angel's plans, they continue their exploration.

They arrive at a huge domed room, where more of the soul pillar can be found. Guarding them is an ancient dracolich, an undead wyrm of great power created by the spellweavers centuries ago. The creature is willing to parley, and offers the Heroes a deal; he wishes the Grigori knights gone from the asteroid, and the skull of the demilich leading them to add to his hoard.

Not wishing to fight against a dracolich, the Heroes tentatively agree, and go looking for the undead monster. When they find it, they're not so surprised to see Terigamar, the lich they met several months back in the Flow, attended by two Grigori knights.

Terigamar is quite talkative, and explains to the Heroes how together with Gadreel and a surviving spellweaver called Yreldun, they succeeded in creating portals of such power as to "transport" entire asteroids from one sphere to another, albeit not in one piece, but by slowly eroding their surface.

Their research has recently met with a delay, as Yreldun has decided to withdraw her knowledge, due to a disagreement with Gadreel. In order to give her time to re-consider her stance, Gadreel has sent the spellweaver to Manzessine, a mind flayer prison on Glyth.

As if summoned by Terigamar's words, from a nearby scrying pool the image of Gadreel appears, scanning the room. when he spots the Heroes, he orders Terigamar and the knights to capture them. The Grigori knights attack the Heroes, while Terigamar hesitates. When the knights are defeated, Terigamar allows the Heroes to leave.

The Conundrum Tertian makes its way to Glyth, hoping to find Yreldun and learn more from the captive spellweaver. They land first on one of Glyth's moons, where they meet a stranded paladin, Justing "Do Good" Demonslayer, who warns them of the dangers of the illithid planet.

Guided by Justin, the Heroes make their way around Glyth to find an entance to the Underdark. While they're still in Wildspace, a nautiloid ship approaches.

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