Vance began his life an orphan in the underbelly of a bustling metropolis. His quick wits and silver tongue, aided by a natural knack for magic, kept him fed and mostly out of trouble.
His early years were spent busking with simple magic tricks and music, alongside the occasional small con, until he got caught out on a con by a travelling priest. Instead of turning him over to the authorities, however, the priest saw something in the poor orphan and took Vance under his wing to show him a better path.
Vance travelled with the priest for a long time as they journeyed back to his new mentor's temple, where he remained for a number of years. Eventually Vance left on his own pilgrimage to the stars, his mission to gather knowledge and eventually return home to the temple with what he has learnt.
Death (session 29): Eaten by a space drake while exploring an ancient Elder's outpost.
Death (session 29): Eaten by a space drake while exploring an ancient Elder's outpost.
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