Monday, March 20, 2017

Session 26

Heroes: Ayrin, Gondriel, Haurchefant, Vance

The Emerald Arrow and the Dark Wasp meet up with the Gloria in wildspace, to plan their next move. It is decided that the three ships will approach the Drow Fleet stealthily to gather what info they can, without enganging in combat with the whole fleet.

After several days of travel, the Heroes are intercepted by two drow wasps; judging the threat minor, the Heroes destroy the wasps and proceed to their destination. When they reach the drow fleet, they carefully maneouver around it to assess its power, while taking note of each ship in the fleet. It seems the drow have gathered a considerable number of ships, not to mention the gigantic elven mothership. When they accidentally attract too much attention, the Heroes flee at top speed, and make their way back to Bral.

At the Rock, they're met by several officers of the Elven Imperial Navy, interested in de-briefing Gondriel with the help of a Zone of Truth spell. The ranger manages to talk his way around the many compromising questions without lying, and he is released without consequences. When he decides to hand over the Dark Wasp to the Elven Imperial Navy, while also confirming his interest in helping the elves dealing with the drow threat, he's rewarded with a magical quiver.

As the Heroes enjoy a period of downtime, the Elven Imperial Navy summons several ships to Bral. It looks like the fleet is getting ready to depart and meet the Drow Fleet, to engage in a conflict that will certainly exact a heavy toll in elven souls.

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