Heroes: Ayrin, Gondriel, Sevir, Vola
The Heroes are approached by Torgan Betz, a well-known smuggler. The man has a simple job for them: to deliver a "package" to the planet of Garden. His only conditions are that the package must not be opened, and that his trusted Giff associate Dourm Larbo must accompany them on their trip to safeguard the package. Enticed by the considerable sum of gold offered, the Heroes quickly accept.
The voyage to Garden takes the best part of two uneventful weeks. But when they begin to approach the verdant tree-planet, they're attacked by a fast Wasp ship, bathing them in greek-fire before they have a chance to react. As the ambush takes place, Dourm reveals his true colours, and attacks the party, grievously wounding both Ayrin and Sevir.
While the crew of the Gloria battles the mysterious Wasp, the Heroes face Dourm and kill him. After a dangerous battle in the void, the Gloria manages to send the Wasp running, but the damage suffered forces the Heroes to land on Garden to perform emergency repairs. Soon they realize that no one is coming to retrieve the package, and they decide to return to the Rock of Bral.
With many questions still unanswered, they open the package, and find a finely crafted cameo inside of the box. Though they're not sure about its worth, all they can think of is that the crew of the Wasp was trying to steal it from them, and that Dourm must have been in league with the would-be thieves.
Eager to get some explanation from Torgan Betz, the Heroes start looking for the smuggler.
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