Monday, September 19, 2016

Session 2

Heroes: Ayrin, Raubahn, Gondriel

The Heroes take some time to explore the ship. Wherever they go, they notice little details out of place, making them more and more suspicious about the captain and his crew.

While questioning Gulug, the so-called "helmsman" of the Skyrunner, Ayrin easily understand that the foolish man has no real magical powers. With a ruse, he convinces the sailor to let him sit at the helm. When he does, Ayrin awakes the power of the helm, taking control of the ship. But he soon feels another "presence". 

As he focuses on the magical matrix surrounding the ship, a dark form takes shape in the mental landscape. A monstrosity similar to an undead beholder assaults him, and wrests control of the ship away from the eladrin.

Further investigation of the ship brings the Heroes to the steerage deck, where they find the mechanical legs that can extend outside of the ship to allow the craft to land on the ground when necessary.

In the same deck, they find two secret rooms. In the first, they find the monstrosity that attacked Ayrin's mind not long before. The undead creature offers no opposition, and the Heroes cut it to pieces. When this happens, the ship suddenly stops. It seems the creature was the powering force that allowed the ship to travel through space.

In the other room, the Heroes finds a few useful items, and several books, scrolls, and maps outlining the planets of Realmspace. They also find several journals penned by Capt. Tobart where he discusses his true plans. It looks like the captain only told the Heroes a part of the truth. They are indeed going to battle a monster called the Ravager, but it seems that the main aim of the captain is to retrieve powerful artifacts called the Queen's Eyes, to be found inside the lair of the monster.

When the Heroes confront Tobart, he tries to convince them that nothing has changed. The Ravager is still bound to Toril, where he will destroy the world. One way or another, they must help him stop the monster. But now that they know the truth, he's willing to share with them the power of the Queen's Eyes. With such power, they'll be able to blackmail any planet they wish, and rule as gods!

Not trusting such an amoral man, the Heroes try to solve the matter then and there, and attack. But they're soon overwhelmed by the captain and his silent first mate, Stonecrop. As the metal-clad giant holds Ayrin's neck in his huge hands, the other Heroes must choose if they keep fighting, or if they surrender.

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